Brock Biology of Microorganisms | Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition review
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Brock Biology of Microorganisms eBook | Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition
Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition book helps students to understand and apply microbiology by communicating the broad themes that course through our innate curiosity about microorganisms. The download link is at the end of this article, you can directly go there and download the Brock Biology of Microorganisms eBook but it is recommended that before downloading the book you should read about it, to get the most out of the book. make sure you are logged in to your browser with a google account [Recommended browser: Google chrome].
Name: Brock Biology of Microorganisms
Authors: Michael T. Madigan, Daniel H. Buckley, W. Matthew Sattley, David A. Stahl
Edition: 15th
Publication: Pearson
Pages: 1064
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Michael T. Madigan received his B.S. in Biology and Education from Wisconsin State University–
Stevens Point (1971) and his M.S. (1974) and Ph.D. (1976) in Bacteriology from the University of Wisconsin Madison in the laboratory of Thomas Brock. Following a postdoc at Indiana University with Howard Gest, Mike moved to Southern Illinois University Carbondale, where he taught courses in introductory microbiology and bacterial diversity as a professor of microbiology for 33 years. In 1988 Mike was selected as the Outstanding Teacher in the College of Science and 1993, the Outstanding Researcher. In 2001 he received the SIUC Outstanding Scholar Award.
In 2003 he received the Carski Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching from the American Society for Microbiology, and he is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology. Mike’s research is focused on bacteria that inhabit extreme environments, and for the past 20 years, his emphasis has been Antarctic microbiology. Mike has co-edited a major treatise on phototrophic bacteria and served for 10 years as chief editor of the journal Archives of Microbiology.
Daniel H. Buckley is a Professor at Cornell University in the School of Integrative Plant Science. He
earned his B.S. in Microbiology (1994) at the University of Rochester and his Ph.D. in Microbiology (2000)
at Michigan State University. His graduate research focused on the ecology of soil microbial communities
and was conducted in the laboratory of Thomas M. Schmidt in affiliation with the Center for Microbial
Ecology. Dan’s postdoctoral research examined linkages between microbial diversity and biogeochemistry
in marine microbial mats and stromatolites and was conducted in the laboratory of Pieter T. Visscher at
the University of Connecticut. Dan joined the Cornell faculty in 2003.
He has taught both introductory and advanced courses in microbiology, microbial
diversity, and microbial genomics. He received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in 2005 for excellence in integrating research and education. He has served as Director of the Graduate Field of Soil and Crop Sciences at Cornell and Co-Director of the Microbial
Diversity summer course of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Applied and Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology. Dan lives in Ithaca, New York, with his wife, Merry, and sons, Finn and Colin.
W. Matthew Sattley received his B.A. in Biology in 1998 from Blackburn College (Illinois) and his
Ph.D. (2006) in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Biochemistry from Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. His graduate studies focused on the microbiology of sulfur cycling and other biogeochemical processes in permanently ice-covered lakes of Antarctica. In his postdoctoral research at Washington
University in Saint Louis, he studied the physiology and genomics of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in Robert Blankenship’s laboratory. Matt then accepted a faculty appointment to the Department of
Biology at MidAmerica Nazarene University (Kansas), where he supervised undergraduate research and
taught courses in microbiology, environmental science, and cell biology.
In 2010, Matt transitioned to the Division of Natural Sciences at Indiana Wesleyan University, where he is a Professor of Biology and Director of the Hodson Summer Research Institute, a faculty-led summer research program for undergraduate students in the Natural Sciences. His research group investigates the ecology, diversity, and genomics of bacteria that inhabit extreme environments. Matt is a member of the American Society for Microbiology (including its Indiana Branch) and the Indiana Academy of Science, and he currently serves as an expert reviewer for the undergraduate microbiology research journal Fine Focus.
David A. Stahl received his B.S. degree in Microbiology from the University of Washington, Seattle,
and completed graduate studies in microbial phylogeny and evolution with Carl Woese in the Department
of Microbiology at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. Subsequent work as a postdoctoral
fellow with Norman Pace, then at the National Jewish Hospital in Colorado, involved early applications
of 16S rRNA-based sequence analysis to the study of natural microbial communities. In 1984 Dave joined
the faculty at the University of Illinois with appointments in Veterinary Medicine, Microbiology, and Civil
Dave is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. His main research interests surround the biogeochemistry of nitrogen and sulfur and the microbial communities that sustain the associated nutrient cycles. His laboratory was the first to culture ammonia-oxidizing Archaea, a group believed to be the key mediators of this process in the nitrogen cycle. Dave has taught several courses in environmental microbiology, was one of the founding editors of the journal Environmental Microbiology and has served on many advisory committees.
What’s New in brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition:
The Fifteenth Edition guides students through the six major themes of microbiology as outlined by the American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE): Evolution, Cell Structure and Function, Metabolic Pathways, Information Flow and Genetics, Microbial Systems, and the Impact of Microorganisms. Thirty-three new Microbiology chapter-opening vignettes were composed for this edition, each designed to introduce a chapter’s theme through a recent discovery published in the microbiology literature.
Mastering the principles of the dynamic field of microbiology today requires an understanding of supportive molecular biology. The result is a robust and modern treatment of microbiology that now includes exciting new chapters devoted to microbial systems biology, synthetic biology, the human microbiome, and the molecular biology of microbial growth.
Revision Highlights:
Chapter 1
• The book begins with a revised and reorganized kickoff chapter that weaves introductory concepts in microbiology within a historical narrative. Foundational aspects of microbiology are now presented in the context of the major discoveries that have expanded our knowledge of the microbial world.
Chapter 2
• Microbial cell structure and function are key pillars of microbiology, and this newly reworked and streamlined chapter offers a thorough introduction to comparative cell structure and provides the instructor with all of the tools necessary for effective classroom presentations. Coverage of nutrient transport systems has been moved to Chapter 3 to better present this topic in its proper context.
Chapter 3
• The essential features of microbial metabolism necessary for understanding how microbes transform energy is laid out in a logical sequence and at just the right level for introductory students. With the material on membrane transport now located here, the uptake of nutrients is highlighted as the initial step of any metabolic process.
Chapter 4:
• Chapter 4 has been reorganized to provide the streamlined view of molecular biology necessary for both supporting and understanding virtually all aspects of microbiology today
Chapter 5
• Unit 2 is all about growth and begins with the Chapter 5 presentation of the essential principles of microbial growth and cultivation. Coverage of microbial growth control balances this chapter with a practical view of how microbial growth can be suppressed for both health and aesthetic reasons.
Chapter 6
• This chapter on microbial regulation includes broad coverage of the classic forms of regulation but has been streamlined by moving the regulation of cell differentiation and biofilm formation to Chapter 7; this allowed for enhanced coverage of hot new areas in metabolic regulation such as regulation by anti-sigma factors and transcriptional regulation in Archaea.
Chapter 7
• A new chapter focused on the molecular biology of microbial growth showcases the orchestrated events leading to cell division and surveys the molecular processes targeted by antibiotics. Coverage of peptidoglycan synthesis, developmental stages in various Bacteria, and biofilm formation—previously scattered through Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition has been consolidated here to unite their common underlying themes.
Chapter 8
• The introductory virology chapter is now included in the microbial growth unit and provides an introduction to the structure, replication, and lifestyles of viruses without overshadowing these important principles with the extensive diversity of the viral world, now covered in Chapter 10.
Chapter 9
• This revolutionary chapter on microbial systems biology kicks off our unit on genomics and genetics by underscoring the importance of microbial genome sequences and the field of functional “omics” to modern microbiology today. The chapter also includes examples of how systems biology can be used to model an organism’s response to its environment.
Chapter 10
• Chapter 10th of Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition , entitled “Viral Genomics, Diversity, and Ecology,” now includes coverage of viral ecology and diversity that was previously in Chapter 8. The many diverse genomes and replication schemes of viruses form the foundation for coverage of the diversity and ecological activities of viruses.
Chapter 11
• Chapter 11, “Genetics of Bacteria and Archaea,” has been streamlined to focus on the essential concepts of mutation and gene transfer in prokaryotic cells. New high-resolution images have been included to illustrate gene transfer processes.
Chapter 12
• This highly reorganized chapter in brock biology of microorganisms ebook entitled “Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology” covers the essential tools of biotechnology and discusses commercial products produced by genetically engineered microbes. New coverage presents remarkable advances in synthetic biology and CRISPR genome editing.
Chapter 13
• Chapter 13 sets the stage for our unit on evolution and diversity by revealing how nucleic acid sequences have revealed the true diversity of the microbial world. The chapter has also been revised and reorganized to increase the emphasis on the origin and diversification of life and microbial systematics.
Some highlights: a new section on assimilatory processes of autotrophy and nitrogen fixation; grouping respiratory processes by electron donor, electron acceptor, or one-carbon metabolisms; new art depicting electron flow in oxygenic photosynthesis, sulfur chemolithotrophy, and acetogenesis; discussion of the role of flavin-based electron bifurcation in energy conservation; coverage of the exciting discoveries of Intra aerobic methanotrophy and interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic methane oxidation.
These are some highlights about the new edition of Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition rest all highlight about 33 chapters you will get in the book itself.
Table of content:
UNIT 1 | The Foundation of microbiology | |
01 | The microbial world | 37 |
02 | Microbial Cell structure and Function | 70 |
03 | Miccrobial metabolism | 109 |
04 | Molecular information Flow and Protein Processes | 138 |
UNIT 02 | Microbial growth and regulation | |
05 | Microbial Growth and Its Control | 173 |
06 | Microbial regulatary systerms | 209 |
07 | Molecular Biology of Microbial Growth | 238 |
08 | Virus and Their Replication | 259 |
UNIT 3 | Genomics and Genetics | |
9 | Microbial sysyterms biology | 277 |
10 | Viral genomics, Diversity, and Ecology | 310 |
11 | Genetics of bacteria and Archaea | 342 |
12 | Biotechnology and synthetic biology | 368 |
UNIT 4 | Microbial Evolution and Diversity | |
13 | Microabial Evolution and Systematics | 399 |
14 | Metabolic Diversity of Microbiology | 428 |
15 | Functional Diversity of Microorganisms | 487 |
16 | Diversity of bacteria | 530 |
17 | Diversity of Archaea | 566 |
18 | Diversity of Microbial Eukarya | 593 |
UNIT 5 | Microbial Ecology and Environmental Microbiology | |
19 | Taking the Measure of Microbial Systerms | 619 |
20 | Microbial Ecosystems | 651 |
21 | Nutrient cycle | 687 |
22 | Mcrobiology of Bluid Environment | 708 |
23 | Microbial Symbioses with Microbes, Plants, and animals | 732 |
UNIT 6 | Microbes Human Interaction and theimmune System | |
24 | Microbial Symbioses with Humans | 765 |
25 | Microbial Infection and pathogenesis | 793 |
26 | Innate Immunity: broadly specific host defence | 811 |
27 | Adaptive Immunity: highly specific host defence | 834 |
28 | Clinical Microbiology and immunology | 866 |
UNIT 7 | Infectious diseases and their tansmission | |
29 | Epidemology | 902 |
30 | Person-to-person bacteria and viral Diseases | 923 |
31 | Vectorborne and soliborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases | 955 |
32 | Waterborne and foodborne Bacterial and Viral Diseases | 973 |
33 | Eukaryotic pathogens: Fungi, Protozoa, and helminths | 994 |
Sachin’s Biology highly recommends this Brock Biology of Microorganisms eBook | Brock biology of microorganisms 15th edition to all life science students for a simplistic and realistic way of writing.
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