Biochemistry MCQ Quiz

Check points before attempting this Biochemistry MCQ Quiz:
- There are 25 questions in Biochemistry MCQ quiz . Attempt all MCQs it’s totally worth it (Don’t do it in final CSIR NET JRF EXAM, as there you will have more freedom of choice for questions and limited time like in final exam you have to answer 25 questions out of 75 , which means you can attempt 1 question out of 3 in 2 hours (give entire 2 hours for part ‘C’ then after completing part ‘C’ go for Part ‘B’ it would be beneficial for you). This biochemistry MCQ quiz has mixed questions of both Part C and Part B. In this Biochemistry MCQ quiz we haven’t given you optional questions as we have included only selective topics from Biochemistry like :
- Enzymes
- Carbohydrates
- Amino Acids
- Ramachandran plot
- Protein structure
2. All these 25 Biochemistry questions has taken directly from CSIR NET Life Science previous year’s question papers. So it may seems difficult for you if you are the beginner, so just go through the entire quiz and read all the questions carefully write down the concepts or words that you have encountered 1st time in life and search them in books and online resources! You can Download Free Biochemistry Books in pdf format provided by
3. Then after completing your studies again come back to quiz and attempt these Biochemistry questions you will find it little bit easy than your previous attempt. Repeat this strategy for rest of the test and you will find you are becoming better and better day by day, Remember you can’t learn Life Science in just one day it needs consistent efforts with well planned strategy.
4. The rest biochemistry questions we will cover in upcoming test series no. 2nd, 3rd, 4th…! You have 2500 seconds ( 41 minutes 40 seconds) to complete this test means average 100 seconds for each question) after that answering all biochemistry questions, the quiz will automatically submit and it will generate your result immediately !
5. Some of these Biochemistry mcq quiz questions are too short that it takes less than 30 seconds to read hence read biochemistry MCQ carefully (invest your time in question once you understand the soul of the question you will win half of your battle there itself) and you don’t need to come back again after reading options which may drive you in state of confusion and ultimate will waste your time.
6. Don’t Skip biochemistry questions without answering, attempt all of them, as it will test not just your knowledge but also your mental toughness there will be few questions in exam for which you haven’t studied but just logically by elimination method you can solve this kind of questions which will boost your confidence and understanding of exam pattern.
7. Last but not the least, attempt all Biochemistry MCQ quiz questions with full attention without multitasking and any distraction. (If you can’t do it now then don’t attempt it Now, complete your work and then come back, believe me, this biochemistry mcq quiz won’t go anywhere).
After attempting this Biochemistry mcq quiz if you find some improvements or mistakes in any of these biochemistry questions Sachin’s Biology is always Waiting for your suggestion, Comment below your suggestion and doubts!
If you want daily notes and updates about exam on your mobile then you can join SACHIN’S BIOLOGY on Instagram or on Facebook and can directly Talk to founder of Sachin’sBiology and Author of Mr.Sachin Chavan M.Sc. NET JRF (AIR 21) GATE !
After Biochemistry mcq quiz if you want to attempt some more life science previous years questions ??? Then try this :